
Version #18 is the first version specific for the new version of LaTeX (2e patch 2 and after).

Version #19 adds the possibility to begin your document with Chapter N (N=1 by default, but now N may be 0, 7, etc., as you like). Idem for the first part or the first section (in articles). Correction for appendices in articles. Correction in mtcswedish.sty.

Version #20 Correction for appendices in articles. Correction of vertical spacing. Correction to accept chapters numbered in roman. Adds commands to have (default) or suppress page numbers in minitocs and siblings:

Version #21 Correction of typos

Version #22 Correction of typos

Version #23 Added a missing line in @ Works with document classes resetting chapter (or section) number at each part. (Thanks to Denis Roegel) Suppressed and co. Suppressed appendix stuff.

Version #24 The commands have been removed from the .toc, .lot and .lot files, so some internal macros have been corrected to be compatible with the LaTeX2e release of December 1994. Thanks to Denis Roegel who did that.

Added the bahasa language (mtcbahasa.sty)

List of files (minitoc.l): minitoc.l list of files catalog brief abstract README this file minitoc-ex.tex a toy book document mini-art.tex a toy article document minitoc.bug a list of bugs (?) and frequently asked questions. see also minitoc.tex. minitoc.sty the minitoc style option file minitoc.sum a summary of commands minitoc.tex documentation minitocoff.sty a style option file to use if you want to ignore the commands added for minitoc.sty. See the doc.

The following files contain language specific definitions of various titles. You can modify them and add others.

mtcbahasa.sty mtccatalan.sty mtccroatian.sty mtcczech.sty mtcdanish.sty mtcdutch.sty mtcenglish.sty mtcesperanto.sty mtcfinnish.sty mtcfrench.sty mtcgalician.sty mtcgerman.sty mtcitalian.sty mtcmagyar.sty mtcnorsk.sty mtcpolish.sty mtcportuges.sty mtcromanian.sty mtcrussian.sty NOT SUPPORTED BY BABEL 3.4 mtcslovak.sty mtcslovene.sty mtcspanish.sty mtcswedish.sty mtcturkish.sty

minitoc.sty is useful to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs) at the beginning of every chapter. They are also minilofs and minilots. At the part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does not use chapters, they are section level secttocs, sectlofs and sectlots.

INSTALLATION: 1- Retrieve ALL the files of this package in a virgin directory. 2- If your operating system allows long extensions to filenames, (like UNIX), verify that the definition of is commented out, then go to step 3. If it allows only extensions of 3 characters (like MS-DOS), edit the file minitoc.sty and uncomment the definition of (remove the leading 3- Put ALL *.sty files in the directory in which you put the LaTeX styles, and give the read access for everybody. 4- Edit the file minitoc.tex if you have not the manfnt font. Instructions are given in the beginning of this file. 5- Run LaTeX three times (yes, 3) on minitoc.tex and print minitoc.dvi with your dvi driver. 6- Read carefully this documentation. 7- Play with the toy documents minitoc-ex.tex and mini-art.tex, using various parameters... Distribute the documentation to users. 8- Send me your comments, complaints (with a short example) to the address below, by e-mail.

Jean-Pierre Drucbert ONERA/CERT/GPI Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Toulouse Groupe de Prestations Informatiques Complexe Scientifique de Rangueil 2, Avenue Édouard Belin BP 4025 F-31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX FRANCE

Phone +33-62-25-25-15

Email: drucbert@reseau.onecert.fr

Please send me any (constructive) suggestions and comments.